Caring for the Sick and Weary; Buddhist Advice on Healing

February 17, 2016

Date and Time Details: February 17th, 7:30pm pst

Location: Pacific Cultural Center

Address: 1307 Seabright Ave. Santa Cruz, CA 95062

This teaching focuses draws on two great Buddhist teachings on how to relate to illness as a spiritual practice.

The first is Longchenpa’s pith instructions for how to carry illness onto the spiritual path.

The second is a Mahayana discourse between the Buddha’s disciples, Manjushri and Vimalakirti. Manjushri asks how should a Buddhist deal with their own illness? How should they console others who are ill or weary? This rare passage deals with how issues of bodily pains, illness, disease, aging and dying can be brought into the domain of spiritual awakening. It gives instructions for how to care for others with sustainable compassion which does not lead to exhaustion.

Join us for this public teaching with Pema Khandro to contemplate the Buddhist views of health, healing, illness, caregiving and hospice.


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