The Female Buddha of Tibet; Her Life & Teachings
July 21, 2015
July 21, 7-8pm, PDT
July 28, 7-8pm, PDT
Aug 4, 7-8pm, PDT
This web class focuses on the the topic of women in Tibetan Buddhism with a special focus on the history, legends, songs and teachings surrounding one of the most pivotal figures in Buddhist history, Yeshe Tsogyal. She is remembered as a female Buddha, and an inspiring symbol of enlightened wisdom demonstrated in real life circumstances. Here legend offers examples of training, leadership, facing traumatic events, dealing with politics, transforming obstacles, demonstrating the entire path from beginning to ultimate fruit. This web series will focus on the Yeshe Tsogyal’s life teaching on transforming both joy and sorrow into the path.
This program is free for monks and nuns.