Pithy Bio
Pema Khandro is a Tibetan Buddhist teacher, scholar and humanitarian, specializing in the philosophy and practice of Tibet’s Buddhist Yogis. For more information visit www.PemaKhandro.org

Pithy Bio II

Pema Khandro is a teacher and scholar of Tibetan Buddhism. She is the founder of Ngakpa International and its three projects: The Buddhist Studies Institute, Dakini Mountain Retreat Center and The Yogic Medicine Institute. For more information visit www.PemaKhandro.org

Short Bio I

Pema Khandro is a  teacher, scholar and humanitarian, specializing in Tibetan Buddhism. Ordained in the Nyingma lineage, enthroned as a tulku and trained as an academic, her teachings celebrate the dynamic coalescence of tradition and the post-modern context. She is the founder of Ngakpa International, BuddhistStudiesInstitute.org and Dakini Mountain Retreat Center in Northern California. Currently she is completing her Ph.D. at the University of Virginia.

Short Bio II – For Buddhist Audience
Pema Khandro is a teacher, scholar and humanitarian, specializing in the philosophy and practice of Tibetan Buddhist Yogis and their Dzogchen teachings.
Ordained in the Nyingma lineage, enthroned as a tulku, and trained as an academic, her teachings celebrate the dynamic coalescence of tradition and the modern context.
Pema Khandro is the founder of Ngakpa International, the Yogic Medicine Institute and three residential centers. For more information visit www.PemaKhandro.org

MEDIUM BIO – For Buddhist Audience
Pema Khandro is a Tibetan Buddhist teacher,  humanitarian and scholar specializing in the philosophy and practice of Tibetan Buddhism. She is an authorized Lama and lineage holder of the Nyingma and Kagyu lineages and one of few westerners recognized and enthroned as a tulku She ordained in the Nyingma tradition and was authorized to pass this non-monastic lineage of ordained Buddhist Yogis on to her students, a task which she has been dedicated to since 1999. Pema Khandro holds a masters degree in Tibetan Studies and is currently completing a PhD specializing in Tibetan Buddhism at the University of Virginia. She is certified as Tibetan Naturopath and has led dozens of courses in nutrition, yoga teacher trainings, meditation trainings and natural medicine for health practitioners from every field. She  is the founder of Ngakpa International, the Buddhist Studies Institute, Dakini Mountain Retreat Center and the Yogic Medicine Institute. Pema Khandro specializes in the methods of Dzogchen, Chod and the Six Yogas; esoteric Buddhist practices for lay people and householders which focus on direct access to cultivating intrinsic wisdom. For more information visit www.PemaKhandro.org

MEDIUM BIO – For Non-Buddhist Audience
Pema Khandro is a Tibetan Buddhist teacher,  humanitarian and scholar. Pema Khandro specializes in Buddhist practices for lay people which focus on integrating Buddhist wisdom with family, work and society. She holds a masters degree in Tibetan Studies and is currently completing a PhD specializing in Tibetan Buddhism at the University of Virginia. She is certified as Tibetan Naturopath and has led dozens of trainings in nutrition, yoga, meditation and natural medicine for health practitioners from every field. She is the spiritual leader of the Community of Buddhist Yogis in North America and founder of Ngakpa International, the Yogic Medicine Institute, Dakini Mountain Retreat Center and the Buddhist Studies Institute. For more information visit www.PemaKhandro.org.