Preserving and Sharing the Tradition of Buddhist Yogis

Category Archives: News Articles

August Events in the Bay Area

SANTA CRUZ, CA:  Pacific Cultural Center ~ 1307 Seabright Ave
Aug 13, 7pm
Public Teaching with Pema Khandro Rinpoche

BERKELEY, CA:  MahaSiddha Center ~ 2328 Channing Way
Aug 14, 7pm
Empowerment with Gyaldak Rinpoche

Aug 15, 7pm
The Heart of Wisdom
Public Teaching with Pema Khandro Rinpoche

Aug 16, 10am-6pm
The Heart of Wisdom
Retreat with Pema Khandro Rinpoche

Aug 16, 7pm
Celebration, Feast & Fundraiser

Aug 17, 10am-3pm
Vajra Sangha Retreat
For Pema Khandro Rinpoche’s personal students

No one is ever turned away for lack of funds.



Losar Greeting from Pema Khandro

2014O_Losar_NgakpaDear Friends,

Losar Tashi Delegs – happiness and auspicious good fortune to you!

On March 2nd, we celebrated Losar, the Tibetan lunar new year. For this occasion, if I had to give some words of wisdom in a very pithy way, I would remind myself and all of us of བྱང་ཆུག་སེམས་ – bodhichitta. Bodhichitta is a Buddhist term with many meanings. Ultimately it refers to pure and total presence. It is the awakened heart and the aspiration for oneself and others to be free from sorrow. It is the impulse for awakening. May we all find bodhichitta. May we know it. May we cultivate it. May we find clarity by measuring our decisions according to what expands it. May we rest into it.

We have had a beautiful year full of many changes and now we look forward to the Tibetan year of the wood horse in order to gallop forward in celebration of the Ngakpa tradition of Buddhist Yogis.

May the lunar new year lead to unfolding joy and wisdom for you, your family, friends and communities…for our great family of all beings, may there be freedom from sorrow.

Happy Losar,
Pema Khandro


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