Preserving and Sharing the Tradition of Buddhist Yogis

2 Responses to “Vajrayana Training 1.8.2 Tsok”

  1. Laura Riedman

    Hi , any way there is simple audio for any of these classes? I’m often in rural internet areas, I download the audio when I can and try to save it for offline listening. Video downloads are such large files to the point I am unable to download or hear them at all quite often.
    At least some of my favorite practices from 3 years back are in audio, so I can just focus on those. No hurry, or pressure, but if there was a way for the few of us with less internet access to stay up to date, it would be nice. Video streaming can be a complete block to access teachings for me.

    • NgakpaIntl2

      Hi Laura, that would be so great to have audio files for all the teachings! Sorry the video teachings are hard for you to download. We don’t have any volunteers who are offering time to do this. However if you have the time and know how for how to turn these into audio, please let us know because that would be ideal!
      We hope that we can find some volunteers for the technology side of things asap!
      Ngakpa International

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